- Aug 19 2021
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Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 19 2021
Other Organizers
Vic Myers Associates
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Developing with RFSoC – Solving real world problems: Multi channel synchronization Presented By Pentek
In order to help our local customers keep up to date on the latest and greatest RFSoC capabilities from Pentek, Vic Myers Associates has put together a series of training webinars in 2021 for you regarding Xilinx’s RFSoC technology. RFSoC technology has revolutionized design strategies for MIL-AERO systems for Radar, SIGINT, EW and Communications, and the new Gen 3 version has opened up even higher performance levels and bandwidths. This 30-minute webinar explores the software and IP environment for developing RFSoC applications. Learn effective strategies for leveraging existing IP and software to streamline development tasks. If you plan to use RFSoC technology or just want to learn more about it, please register for the event.
Abstract: This third webinar in the series looks into the requirements and solutions for synchronizing multiple channels in larger multi-channels systems. Multi-channel sync is the cornerstone of most phased array radar systems and beamforming techniques used in radio communications.
Please join us at any of the times below:
Aug 19, 2021 – Customer Webinar: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
Developing with RFSoC – Solving real world problems: Multi channel synchronization Presented By Pentek
In order to help our local customers keep up to date on the latest and greatest RFSoC capabilities from Pentek, Vic Myers Associates has put together a series of training webinars in 2021 for you regarding Xilinx’s RFSoC technology. RFSoC technology has revolutionized design strategies for MIL-AERO systems for Radar, SIGINT, EW and Communications, and the new Gen 3 version has opened up even higher performance levels and bandwidths. This 30-minute webinar explores the software and IP environment for developing RFSoC applications. Learn effective strategies for leveraging existing IP and software to streamline development tasks. If you plan to use RFSoC technology or just want to learn more about it, please register for the event.
Abstract: This third webinar in the series looks into the requirements and solutions for synchronizing multiple channels in larger multi-channels systems. Multi-channel sync is the cornerstone of most phased array radar systems and beamforming techniques used in radio communications.
Please join us at any of the times below:
Aug 19, 2021 – Customer Webinar: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
- Aug 19 2021
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 19 2021
Other Organizers
Vic Myers Associates
Email -
- Aug 19 2021
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 19 2021
Other Organizers
Vic Myers Associates
Email -
Developing with RFSoC – Solving real world problems: Multi channel synchronization Presented By Pentek
In order to help our local customers keep up to date on the latest and greatest RFSoC capabilities from Pentek, Vic Myers Associates has put together a series of training webinars in 2021 for you regarding Xilinx’s RFSoC technology. RFSoC technology has revolutionized design strategies for MIL-AERO systems for Radar, SIGINT, EW and Communications, and the new Gen 3 version has opened up even higher performance levels and bandwidths. This 30-minute webinar explores the software and IP environment for developing RFSoC applications. Learn effective strategies for leveraging existing IP and software to streamline development tasks. If you plan to use RFSoC technology or just want to learn more about it, please register for the event.
Abstract: This third webinar in the series looks into the requirements and solutions for synchronizing multiple channels in larger multi-channels systems. Multi-channel sync is the cornerstone of most phased array radar systems and beamforming techniques used in radio communications.
Please join us at any of the times below:
Aug 19, 2021 – Customer Webinar: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time Zone