IDC – Isolation Dynamics Corp
Headquartered in Long Island, NY, IDC is a leader in the design, engineering, and manufacture of Shock & Vibration Isolation systems for both military and commercial applications. Specializing in rugged, all-metallic, cable type isolators, IDC has amassed an impressive list of shock qualified systems for the US Navy and all branches of the military.
Featured Products
The unique design of the SM Series makes this isolator an ideal choice for light weight equipment requiring a high level of shock & vibration isolation.
XM Series
The incredibly unique design of the XM Series makes this isolator an ideal choice for light weight equipment requiring a high level of shock & vibration isolation. The symmetrically balanced “X” shaped cables gives this isolator a high degree of vertical stability (even under large excursions) and torsional resistance.
Special Assemblies
One of IDC’s greatest strengths is our ability to design, engineer and manufacture custom isolation systems all within our own facility and to do it faster than anyone.
Shock and Vibration Specifications
The following are a few of the Specifications that Cable Isolated Equipment is routinely subjected to:
- MIL-S-901D – Covers Naval Shipboard shock testing requirements
- MIL-STD-167 – Covers Naval Shipboard vibration testing requirements
- MIL-STD-810 – Covers environmental test methods for military equipment
- MIL-E-5400 – Covers requirements for design and manufacture of airborne
electronic equipment - MIL-T-5422 – Testing specification for MIL-E-5400
Application Highlights
There is virtually no limit to the number of shock & vibration applications that can be solved using Cable Isolators. Listed below are some of the more common ones:
- Shipboard Electronics & Equipment
- Electronic Racks (single or multi-bay)
- Shipping Containers & Cases
- Equipment in Tanks & Tracked Vehicles Communication Shelters
- Rotating Equipment (Pumps, Generators, Compressors, etc … )
- Forging Hammers
- Avionics Equipment
- Aerospace
- Power Plants
- On and Off Road Transport
- Railway Equipment
- Applications Involving Extremes in Temperature
- Applications Involving Corrosive Environments
Company Overview
IDC’s unsurpassed experience and knowledge in the field of shock and vibration isolation, makes it possible for us to engineer a solution from early concept, to final product. All of IDC’s products are proudly made in the USA using only the highest quality domestic materials.
Made in the U.S.A.
All of IDC’S products are proudly manufactured at our state of the art facility in Long Island, NY using only the highest quality domestic materials.