- Jul 29 2021
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Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 29 2021
- Time: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Other Organizers
Vic Myers Associates
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A New Architecture for Scalable High Power CW & Pulsed SSPAs
Join Empower RF for a live 30 minute discussion detailing a modern architecture and its benefits when implementing RF & microwave SSPAs in the tens and hundreds of kilowatts. This new architecture solves the top 5 problems seen with very high power transmitters: On Air Availability, Reliability, Waveform Flexibility, Cost of Ownership, and Aging Infrastructure. The webinar topics include scalability of a modular design, the “always on air” concept with hot swapping, and effective MTBF’s vs. traditional SSPA and TWT architectures. Implications to total lifetime cost for critical high power applications are weighed. Technical considerations when combining a large array of amplifiers will also be discussed including combiner design and high speed data and computing requirements.
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (11:00 AM MST)
A New Architecture for Scalable High Power CW & Pulsed SSPAs
Join Empower RF for a live 30 minute discussion detailing a modern architecture and its benefits when implementing RF & microwave SSPAs in the tens and hundreds of kilowatts. This new architecture solves the top 5 problems seen with very high power transmitters: On Air Availability, Reliability, Waveform Flexibility, Cost of Ownership, and Aging Infrastructure. The webinar topics include scalability of a modular design, the “always on air” concept with hot swapping, and effective MTBF’s vs. traditional SSPA and TWT architectures. Implications to total lifetime cost for critical high power applications are weighed. Technical considerations when combining a large array of amplifiers will also be discussed including combiner design and high speed data and computing requirements.
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (11:00 AM MST)
- Jul 29 2021
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 29 2021
- Time: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Other Organizers
Vic Myers Associates
Email -
- Jul 29 2021
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 29 2021
- Time: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Other Organizers
Vic Myers Associates
Email -
A New Architecture for Scalable High Power CW & Pulsed SSPAs
Join Empower RF for a live 30 minute discussion detailing a modern architecture and its benefits when implementing RF & microwave SSPAs in the tens and hundreds of kilowatts. This new architecture solves the top 5 problems seen with very high power transmitters: On Air Availability, Reliability, Waveform Flexibility, Cost of Ownership, and Aging Infrastructure. The webinar topics include scalability of a modular design, the “always on air” concept with hot swapping, and effective MTBF’s vs. traditional SSPA and TWT architectures. Implications to total lifetime cost for critical high power applications are weighed. Technical considerations when combining a large array of amplifiers will also be discussed including combiner design and high speed data and computing requirements.
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (11:00 AM MST)