- Jul 14 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 14 2020
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Other Organizers
(800) 713-4113 -
GPS resiliency using Microchip’s BlueSky GNSS Firewall
Title: GPS resiliency using Microchip’s BlueSky GNSS Firewall
Presenter: Greg Wolff
The vulnerability of GNSS systems to various signal incidents is well documented. As quoted from the recent Executive Order from the White House: “Because of the widespread adoption of PNT services, the disruption or manipulation of these services has the potential to adversely affect the national and economic security of the United States. To strengthen national resilience, the Federal Government must foster the responsible use of PNT services by critical infrastructure owners and operators.”
The BlueSkyTM GNSS Firewall protects already deployed GNSS systems by providing a cost-effective overlay solution installed between existing GNSS antennas and GNSS systems. Similar to a network firewall, the BlueSky GNSS Firewall protects systems inside the firewall from untrusted sky-based signals outside the firewall.
Below is information about recent announcement:
Seminar Topics:
This presentation will describe how to construct a secure and robust PNT network that is resilient to GNSS disruptions.
GPS resiliency using Microchip’s BlueSky GNSS Firewall
Title: GPS resiliency using Microchip’s BlueSky GNSS Firewall
Presenter: Greg Wolff
The vulnerability of GNSS systems to various signal incidents is well documented. As quoted from the recent Executive Order from the White House: “Because of the widespread adoption of PNT services, the disruption or manipulation of these services has the potential to adversely affect the national and economic security of the United States. To strengthen national resilience, the Federal Government must foster the responsible use of PNT services by critical infrastructure owners and operators.”
The BlueSkyTM GNSS Firewall protects already deployed GNSS systems by providing a cost-effective overlay solution installed between existing GNSS antennas and GNSS systems. Similar to a network firewall, the BlueSky GNSS Firewall protects systems inside the firewall from untrusted sky-based signals outside the firewall.
Below is information about recent announcement:
Seminar Topics:
This presentation will describe how to construct a secure and robust PNT network that is resilient to GNSS disruptions.
- Jul 14 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 14 2020
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Other Organizers
(800) 713-4113 -
- Jul 14 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 14 2020
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Other Organizers
(800) 713-4113 -
GPS resiliency using Microchip’s BlueSky GNSS Firewall
Title: GPS resiliency using Microchip’s BlueSky GNSS Firewall
Presenter: Greg Wolff
The vulnerability of GNSS systems to various signal incidents is well documented. As quoted from the recent Executive Order from the White House: “Because of the widespread adoption of PNT services, the disruption or manipulation of these services has the potential to adversely affect the national and economic security of the United States. To strengthen national resilience, the Federal Government must foster the responsible use of PNT services by critical infrastructure owners and operators.”
The BlueSkyTM GNSS Firewall protects already deployed GNSS systems by providing a cost-effective overlay solution installed between existing GNSS antennas and GNSS systems. Similar to a network firewall, the BlueSky GNSS Firewall protects systems inside the firewall from untrusted sky-based signals outside the firewall.
Below is information about recent announcement:
Seminar Topics:
This presentation will describe how to construct a secure and robust PNT network that is resilient to GNSS disruptions.