- Aug 04 2020
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Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 04 2020
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Other Organizers
Alta Data Technologies
888-429-1553 -
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What is a Bus Analyzer and How does it work? Presented by Alta Data Technologies
Title: What is AltaView Bus Analyzer and How does it work?
Presenter: Bill Stahl, Sales Manager, Alta Data Technologies
Abstract: Bill will provide an overview and understanding of AltaDT AltaView Bus Analyzer software. He will also show you how AltaView reduces integration and test time – saving your project time and money.
Webinar Topics:
– Intuitive window’s analyzer for 1553, arinc and wux seamless multi protocol (1553 and arinc) support. Only analyzer with hardware signal viewing!
– Xml setup files with schema – easily import and change icd setup & eu data information
– Comprehensive view of bus activity, error detection and traffic/loading statistics. full data archiving to hard disk with filter and ascii conversion utilities
– Full monitor, bc, rt, rx/tx arinc and playback operations
– Error injection/detection capability
What is a Bus Analyzer and How does it work? Presented by Alta Data Technologies
Title: What is AltaView Bus Analyzer and How does it work?
Presenter: Bill Stahl, Sales Manager, Alta Data Technologies
Abstract: Bill will provide an overview and understanding of AltaDT AltaView Bus Analyzer software. He will also show you how AltaView reduces integration and test time – saving your project time and money.
Webinar Topics:
– Intuitive window’s analyzer for 1553, arinc and wux seamless multi protocol (1553 and arinc) support. Only analyzer with hardware signal viewing!
– Xml setup files with schema – easily import and change icd setup & eu data information
– Comprehensive view of bus activity, error detection and traffic/loading statistics. full data archiving to hard disk with filter and ascii conversion utilities
– Full monitor, bc, rt, rx/tx arinc and playback operations
– Error injection/detection capability
- Aug 04 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 04 2020
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Other Organizers
Alta Data Technologies
888-429-1553 -
Email -
- Aug 04 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 04 2020
- Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Other Organizers
Alta Data Technologies
888-429-1553 -
Email -
What is a Bus Analyzer and How does it work? Presented by Alta Data Technologies
Title: What is AltaView Bus Analyzer and How does it work?
Presenter: Bill Stahl, Sales Manager, Alta Data Technologies
Abstract: Bill will provide an overview and understanding of AltaDT AltaView Bus Analyzer software. He will also show you how AltaView reduces integration and test time – saving your project time and money.
Webinar Topics:
– Intuitive window’s analyzer for 1553, arinc and wux seamless multi protocol (1553 and arinc) support. Only analyzer with hardware signal viewing!
– Xml setup files with schema – easily import and change icd setup & eu data information
– Comprehensive view of bus activity, error detection and traffic/loading statistics. full data archiving to hard disk with filter and ascii conversion utilities
– Full monitor, bc, rt, rx/tx arinc and playback operations
– Error injection/detection capability