- Oct 06 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Oct 06 - 07 2020
- Time: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am
DEWESOFT VMC2020: DAY4 – Vehicle Analysis and E-mobility Testing
Join the Vehicle analysis measurement day on the 6th of October and learn how one system can cover testing vehicle components and also doing complete vehicle tests.
Join the Vehicle analysis measurement day on the 6th of October and learn how one system can cover testing vehicle components and also doing complete vehicle tests.
Learn about our advanced and easy to use solutions for complete electric and hybrid vehicle testing in development, validation and production – one-stop solutions for electric motor and inverter testing, battery and battery charge testing, combustion analysis, hydrogen engine testing and more.
Hear why the Dewesoft combined combustion and power analyzer is the perfect solution for hybrid powertrains – detailed analysis of the combustion engine as well as the electric motor, inverter, and batteries – all with a single DAQ system.
Hear why the Dewesoft combined combustion and power analyzer is the perfect solution for hybrid powertrains – detailed analysis of the combustion engine as well as the electric motor, inverter, and batteries – all with a single DAQ system.
Dewesoft navigational and inertial solutions will keep perfect track of where your test was located and for doing advanced vehicle motion analysis.
And autonomous vehicles – we provide an effective solution for ADAS testing with highly accurate GPS positioning systems to measure relative positions and velocity between multiple vehicles and objects.
See how the Dewesoft Vehicle Test Suite (VTS) keeps testing simple and automated, even for complex maneuvers with a quick pass or fail evaluation and real-time feedback for the driver.
And autonomous vehicles – we provide an effective solution for ADAS testing with highly accurate GPS positioning systems to measure relative positions and velocity between multiple vehicles and objects.
See how the Dewesoft Vehicle Test Suite (VTS) keeps testing simple and automated, even for complex maneuvers with a quick pass or fail evaluation and real-time feedback for the driver.
Or how about our brake testing and ABS testing solution in accordance with ECE, ISO, FMSSV, and SAE standards or the Brake Noise solution based on VDA 303 guideline – automated workflow, flexible and robust.
DEWESOFT VMC2020: DAY4 – Vehicle Analysis and E-mobility Testing
Join the Vehicle analysis measurement day on the 6th of October and learn how one system can cover testing vehicle components and also doing complete vehicle tests.
Join the Vehicle analysis measurement day on the 6th of October and learn how one system can cover testing vehicle components and also doing complete vehicle tests.
Learn about our advanced and easy to use solutions for complete electric and hybrid vehicle testing in development, validation and production – one-stop solutions for electric motor and inverter testing, battery and battery charge testing, combustion analysis, hydrogen engine testing and more.
Hear why the Dewesoft combined combustion and power analyzer is the perfect solution for hybrid powertrains – detailed analysis of the combustion engine as well as the electric motor, inverter, and batteries – all with a single DAQ system.
Hear why the Dewesoft combined combustion and power analyzer is the perfect solution for hybrid powertrains – detailed analysis of the combustion engine as well as the electric motor, inverter, and batteries – all with a single DAQ system.
Dewesoft navigational and inertial solutions will keep perfect track of where your test was located and for doing advanced vehicle motion analysis.
And autonomous vehicles – we provide an effective solution for ADAS testing with highly accurate GPS positioning systems to measure relative positions and velocity between multiple vehicles and objects.
See how the Dewesoft Vehicle Test Suite (VTS) keeps testing simple and automated, even for complex maneuvers with a quick pass or fail evaluation and real-time feedback for the driver.
And autonomous vehicles – we provide an effective solution for ADAS testing with highly accurate GPS positioning systems to measure relative positions and velocity between multiple vehicles and objects.
See how the Dewesoft Vehicle Test Suite (VTS) keeps testing simple and automated, even for complex maneuvers with a quick pass or fail evaluation and real-time feedback for the driver.
Or how about our brake testing and ABS testing solution in accordance with ECE, ISO, FMSSV, and SAE standards or the Brake Noise solution based on VDA 303 guideline – automated workflow, flexible and robust.
- Oct 06 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Oct 06 - 07 2020
- Time: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am
- Oct 06 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Oct 06 - 07 2020
- Time: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am
DEWESOFT VMC2020: DAY4 – Vehicle Analysis and E-mobility Testing
Join the Vehicle analysis measurement day on the 6th of October and learn how one system can cover testing vehicle components and also doing complete vehicle tests.
Join the Vehicle analysis measurement day on the 6th of October and learn how one system can cover testing vehicle components and also doing complete vehicle tests.
Learn about our advanced and easy to use solutions for complete electric and hybrid vehicle testing in development, validation and production – one-stop solutions for electric motor and inverter testing, battery and battery charge testing, combustion analysis, hydrogen engine testing and more.
Hear why the Dewesoft combined combustion and power analyzer is the perfect solution for hybrid powertrains – detailed analysis of the combustion engine as well as the electric motor, inverter, and batteries – all with a single DAQ system.
Hear why the Dewesoft combined combustion and power analyzer is the perfect solution for hybrid powertrains – detailed analysis of the combustion engine as well as the electric motor, inverter, and batteries – all with a single DAQ system.
Dewesoft navigational and inertial solutions will keep perfect track of where your test was located and for doing advanced vehicle motion analysis.
And autonomous vehicles – we provide an effective solution for ADAS testing with highly accurate GPS positioning systems to measure relative positions and velocity between multiple vehicles and objects.
See how the Dewesoft Vehicle Test Suite (VTS) keeps testing simple and automated, even for complex maneuvers with a quick pass or fail evaluation and real-time feedback for the driver.
And autonomous vehicles – we provide an effective solution for ADAS testing with highly accurate GPS positioning systems to measure relative positions and velocity between multiple vehicles and objects.
See how the Dewesoft Vehicle Test Suite (VTS) keeps testing simple and automated, even for complex maneuvers with a quick pass or fail evaluation and real-time feedback for the driver.
Or how about our brake testing and ABS testing solution in accordance with ECE, ISO, FMSSV, and SAE standards or the Brake Noise solution based on VDA 303 guideline – automated workflow, flexible and robust.