- Sep 29 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Sep 29 - 30 2020
- Time: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am
DEWESOFT VMC2020: DAY3 – Sound and Vibration Analysis
Whether it is a critical issue with a precious satellite or a noisy refrigerator, Dewesoft can solve the problem. Join our sound and vibration measurement day on the 29th of September and learn why.
Learn about our one-stop acoustic test solution that covers all essential sound measurement applications such as Sound Level, Sound Power, Sound Quality, Sound Intensity, and Octave Band Analysis.
Our Rotating Machinery solution is easy to use for order tracking, torsional vibration, FFT, and Octave Band Analysis. We have reimagined Orbit analysis measurement in a Dewesoft way; fully fledged turbomachinery analysis with easy setup and unmatched expandability – and we have evolved our Order tracking module into an entirely new solution.
Hear about our solutions for modal testing (OMA, ODS and MIMO), FFT (Frequency Response Function), fatigue test analysis, SRS (Shock Response Spectrum), and sine reduction (COLA) . And for structural dynamics testing – ideal to optimize dynamic properties and behavior of products – from initial concept to final certification and beyond, including troubleshooting and structural health monitoring.
Or Dewesoft X3 software with the Sine processing plugin – a powerful structural analysis tool to evaluate responses and transfer functions on an unlimited number of channels, all done in real-time.
Dewesoft VMC 2020 is full of surprises – enjoy!
- Come to HQ Help Center in the Expo area to meet the team behind the scene. The VMC 2020 will connect the whole world presenting innovations and development trends in the field of measuring technology. To enable our friends and partners in East as well as West to join us we duplicate the daily program. You will be able to follow us every Tuesday between 9 am 4 and 7 pm (CEST / GMT+2).
- Meet your local Dewesoft partner at the Expo area. Dewesoft teams from around the world will welcome you before the beginning of the program on stage at 8:30 AM CEST. Visit the Expo area and get to know the people, who will support you in solving your professional challenges. The Expo area will be open all day – you talk to the local team any time.
- Don’t miss Opening Keynote Session following by exclusive lectures at Stage. At the end of the day, we invite you to the famous Dewesoft “Area 51” where we will show you plans for future developments.
- Join our Q&A SESSIONS to ask the questions that are on your mind – and get the answers that bring you further in your job-to-do. Be in direct contact with Dewesoft developers and the representatives of our customers in vital industries, such as aerospace, automotive, transport, energy and construction.
DEWESOFT VMC2020: DAY3 – Sound and Vibration Analysis
Whether it is a critical issue with a precious satellite or a noisy refrigerator, Dewesoft can solve the problem. Join our sound and vibration measurement day on the 29th of September and learn why.
Learn about our one-stop acoustic test solution that covers all essential sound measurement applications such as Sound Level, Sound Power, Sound Quality, Sound Intensity, and Octave Band Analysis.
Our Rotating Machinery solution is easy to use for order tracking, torsional vibration, FFT, and Octave Band Analysis. We have reimagined Orbit analysis measurement in a Dewesoft way; fully fledged turbomachinery analysis with easy setup and unmatched expandability – and we have evolved our Order tracking module into an entirely new solution.
Hear about our solutions for modal testing (OMA, ODS and MIMO), FFT (Frequency Response Function), fatigue test analysis, SRS (Shock Response Spectrum), and sine reduction (COLA) . And for structural dynamics testing – ideal to optimize dynamic properties and behavior of products – from initial concept to final certification and beyond, including troubleshooting and structural health monitoring.
Or Dewesoft X3 software with the Sine processing plugin – a powerful structural analysis tool to evaluate responses and transfer functions on an unlimited number of channels, all done in real-time.
Dewesoft VMC 2020 is full of surprises – enjoy!
- Come to HQ Help Center in the Expo area to meet the team behind the scene. The VMC 2020 will connect the whole world presenting innovations and development trends in the field of measuring technology. To enable our friends and partners in East as well as West to join us we duplicate the daily program. You will be able to follow us every Tuesday between 9 am 4 and 7 pm (CEST / GMT+2).
- Meet your local Dewesoft partner at the Expo area. Dewesoft teams from around the world will welcome you before the beginning of the program on stage at 8:30 AM CEST. Visit the Expo area and get to know the people, who will support you in solving your professional challenges. The Expo area will be open all day – you talk to the local team any time.
- Don’t miss Opening Keynote Session following by exclusive lectures at Stage. At the end of the day, we invite you to the famous Dewesoft “Area 51” where we will show you plans for future developments.
- Join our Q&A SESSIONS to ask the questions that are on your mind – and get the answers that bring you further in your job-to-do. Be in direct contact with Dewesoft developers and the representatives of our customers in vital industries, such as aerospace, automotive, transport, energy and construction.
- Sep 29 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Sep 29 - 30 2020
- Time: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am
- Sep 29 2020
- Expired!
Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: Sep 29 - 30 2020
- Time: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am
DEWESOFT VMC2020: DAY3 – Sound and Vibration Analysis
Whether it is a critical issue with a precious satellite or a noisy refrigerator, Dewesoft can solve the problem. Join our sound and vibration measurement day on the 29th of September and learn why.
Learn about our one-stop acoustic test solution that covers all essential sound measurement applications such as Sound Level, Sound Power, Sound Quality, Sound Intensity, and Octave Band Analysis.
Our Rotating Machinery solution is easy to use for order tracking, torsional vibration, FFT, and Octave Band Analysis. We have reimagined Orbit analysis measurement in a Dewesoft way; fully fledged turbomachinery analysis with easy setup and unmatched expandability – and we have evolved our Order tracking module into an entirely new solution.
Hear about our solutions for modal testing (OMA, ODS and MIMO), FFT (Frequency Response Function), fatigue test analysis, SRS (Shock Response Spectrum), and sine reduction (COLA) . And for structural dynamics testing – ideal to optimize dynamic properties and behavior of products – from initial concept to final certification and beyond, including troubleshooting and structural health monitoring.
Or Dewesoft X3 software with the Sine processing plugin – a powerful structural analysis tool to evaluate responses and transfer functions on an unlimited number of channels, all done in real-time.
Dewesoft VMC 2020 is full of surprises – enjoy!
- Come to HQ Help Center in the Expo area to meet the team behind the scene. The VMC 2020 will connect the whole world presenting innovations and development trends in the field of measuring technology. To enable our friends and partners in East as well as West to join us we duplicate the daily program. You will be able to follow us every Tuesday between 9 am 4 and 7 pm (CEST / GMT+2).
- Meet your local Dewesoft partner at the Expo area. Dewesoft teams from around the world will welcome you before the beginning of the program on stage at 8:30 AM CEST. Visit the Expo area and get to know the people, who will support you in solving your professional challenges. The Expo area will be open all day – you talk to the local team any time.
- Don’t miss Opening Keynote Session following by exclusive lectures at Stage. At the end of the day, we invite you to the famous Dewesoft “Area 51” where we will show you plans for future developments.
- Join our Q&A SESSIONS to ask the questions that are on your mind – and get the answers that bring you further in your job-to-do. Be in direct contact with Dewesoft developers and the representatives of our customers in vital industries, such as aerospace, automotive, transport, energy and construction.