Signalforce Amplifiers
Data Physics offers a range of standard amplifier products specifically designed to meet comprehensive power delivery requirements while simultaneously assuring long-term, reliable operation.
The SignalForce Power Amplifier Range
SignalForce amplifiers provide very high levels of efficiency with superior levels of performance. These amplifiers occupy little space and are suitable for driving shakers from all manufacturers. While new SignalForce shaker systems include matched amplifiers, Data Physics engineers can match our modern power amplifiers to any manufacturer’s electrodynamic shaker.
Our linear amplifiers, typically used to drive small shakers, are available from 30 VA to 1 kVA while our digital switching amplifiers are available from 1 kVA to 405 kVA and are used to drive medium to large shakers.
Managing and minimizing the effects of EMC has been a major factor in the design of our digital switching amplifiers. The design and construction of our amplifiers includes thorough application of Faraday cages, compartmentalization, filtered interconnections, segmented wiring, common mode chokes for symmetrical currents, mains filters, optical coupling of signals and screened cables.
All amplifiers are available CE compliant.
SignalForce Amplifier Features
- Linear amplifiers from 30 VA to 1 kVA
- Digital switching amplifiers from 1 kVA to 405 kVA
- Up to 95% efficient
- Switches at >105 kHz
- 1 KVA, 5 KVA, and 15 KVA modules
- Includes field and degaussing supplies
- Safety interlocks
- Protection against over current and over temperature
- Remote and chamber interfaces
- Drives all shaker brands
How to Select the Right Power Amplifier
Data Physics provides robust, reliable and efficient amplifier products that supply the power used to drive your test system to its limits. When selecting an appropriate amplifier, you need to consider the mass of your shaker’s armature, head expander, device under test and your test performance specifications, as these variables dictate overall power requirements.
When considering what power amplifier is applicable for your testing needs, it’s important to remember Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion…the simple equation:
F=ma, or Force = Mass x Acceleration
The required force of the shaker for the given acceleration and mass. Vibration systems have different force ratings for Random, Sine, and Shock.
The total moving mass including the shaker’s armature. The DUT, fixture, head expander (if applicable) or slip table + drive bar + bearings, and the shaker’s armature all add into the mass.
Given by the profiles to be tested, typically units of g for Sine and Shock, and g rms for Random.
If we think of force as directly proportional to an amplifier’s current output rating, then in general terms, the bigger and heavier the test item, the more power you’ll need to conduct your testing. Additionally, the higher the required test acceleration (g or g rms), the more power you’ll need. In sizing the proper replacement amplifier, it is important to know the system’s operational characteristics to match the best suited solution. Just as force is directly proportional to current, the shaker’s velocity is directly proportional to voltage. The maximum power of the shaker system is usually found right at the velocity to acceleration cross-over point.
Linear Amplifiers
Our Linear Amplifiers are available from 30 VA to 1 kVA, and provide compact and efficient solutions for smaller test items with comparably lower-intensity test inputs. These amplifiers are well-suited for inertial and modal shaker applications.
Digital Switching Amplifiers
Digital switching amplifiers are available from 1 kVA to 405 kVA and can be provided in a broad array of configurations, tailored to deliver the power necessary for more challenging testing requirements.
Increase Your Shaker’s Performance with SignalForce IGBT Amplifiers
Designed with the Data Physics LE-series water cooled shakers in mind, the new LE-DSA15 IGBT amplifiers are based on the same reliable and robust architecture as the LE-DSA10 series units which have a proven track record of continuous high output operation. The LE-DSA15 amplifiers are rated for 200 Vrms continuous operation which will allow for high velocity testing without the need for an output transformer – saving floor space. When connected to a LE-DSA15K amplifier, the LE-2016-3″ shaker systems are capable of up to 170 in/sec (4.32 m/s) velocity shock at 11 mSec.
A Powerful Upgrade For Any System
Our new LE-DSA15 amplifiers are the perfect fit to replace an aging amplifier that is currently driving either a Ling Electronics or LDS water-cooled shaker system, enhancing the performance of the system in both random and shock performance. The LE-DSA15 models can be configured to drive any manufacturer’s shaker system with the proper field power supply configuration
Less Is More
The elimination of the output transformer allows the shaker to be direct-coupled, making it possible to operate the shaker at less than 5 Hz. The transformerless design also eliminates the need for switching for sine, random, and shock profiles. The overall size of the amplifier is thus reduced, freeing up valuable floor space in your vibration test laboratory.
E-Link Shaker Systems Control for DSA15 Amplifiers
Reduce energy consumption and operating costs while extending the life of your shaker system.
Multi-bay digital switching amplifiers represent a sizeable investment and can provide a significant amount of power, generally more than 120 kVA. With large systems and amplifiers it becomes more important to monitor and control the amplifier remotely and instantly.
With the SignalForce E-Link option, you can remotely control and monitor the performance of SignalForce shakers powered by DSA15 series amplifiers.
Designed for easy access via Ethernet, SignalForce E-Link allows control of all amplifier functions and provides a remote dashboard of all amplifier parameters. This means that you can optimize the amplifier setup for each test right from your control desk.
The easy-to-use interface allows you to shutdown extra power bays or reduce field current when running low force tests. The result is not only less wasted energy and lower energy costs, but increased life of the system for reduced maintenance costs.
Switching Units Maximize Available Power
Vibration test labs that utilize multiple shakers often don’t require those test systems to be running simultaneously. To save on cost, a common amplifier, or set of amplifiers can be used to power specific individual shakers that are deemed appropriate for given test requirements.
In addition to saving on an initial test equipment investment, switching units allow users to save on floor space and maintenance activities. Switchers are available for both air cooled and water cooled systems in a variety of configurations and sizes.
Switching units can be built into amplifiers for switching power between two shakers or can be custom designed for more elaborate user setups that include cooling. For larger setups, a specifically designed touch pad user interface is used to control the various switching combinations.
About Data Physics
Data Physics, owned by Battery Ventures, was founded by two Alumni of Hewlett Packard in 1984. Dave Snyder had designed hardware and software for the Fourier Analyzers developed at the Santa Clara Division of HP. Sri Welaratna had worked for HP in England, Europe and then in Santa Clara developing applications of Fourier Analyzers. The first project Dave and Sri did together was the design of the UD 400AT vibration controller, the first to use a PC as the host computer and a DSP based signal processing peripheral. This project began in 1983 and used the Texas Instruments TMS32010, the very first Digital Signal Processor.
Starting with the SignalCalc software library for HP Basic computers Data Physics evolved to signal processing solutions on PCs using add on DSP hardware to provide the computational power required for realtime measurements and analysis.
In 2014, Battery Ventures bought a controlling stake in Data Physics. DP is the fifth active industrial-technology platform in the Battery portfolio. In 2015, Battery Ventures acquired a controlling stake in both Lansmont and Team Corporations, establishing the foundation of the Noise & Vibration Technologies (NVT) Group.