New S-Band Magnetron Driver 2.9 to 3.5GHz
Empower RF announces the production release of Model 2239 pulsed driver amplifier producing a minimum of 1KW peak power. The 2239 is an intelligent amplifier in a compact 3U rack compatible footprint with features ideal for integrating into Magnetron, IOT, Klystron and TWT systems.

The Model 2239 pulsed driver amplifier is designed for 0dbm input that is pulse modulated. A fast TTL gate input is standard, and it’s use optional when complete shutoff of the output stage is desired between pulses. Pulse capabilities include up to 20% duty cycles and pulse widths as long as 500 μsec with up to 25KHz PRF’s.
GaN on SiC devices are used in a multistage class AB configuration. Full self-monitoring protection is included and will self-protect with sudden open/short conditions and is tolerant to VSWR up to 3:1. Local and remote monitoring and control are standard.
Protections and Remote Monitoring
- Duty cycle and pulse width protection exceeding your pre-set value
- Power supply faults including input line voltage faults
- Output power limit
- Input overdrive
- Excessive VSWR with user selectable fold-back or Shutdown on fault
- Thermal alarming and protection
- Cooling and Electronic thermal management and fan health speed
Ease of System Integration
- Factory Customizable I/O for interfacing/signaling external sensors and control
- Alarms pushed out the LAN port, polling not required
- Compact, lightweight, and portable for easier maneuverability in lab environments
- Modern and multi-faceted Monitoring and Control user interfaces, including a Web browser, TCP/IP Ethernet, factory configurable serial RS-422 or RS232 interface and a front panel touchscreen display.
User interface capabilities of this amplifier are standard with all Empower next generation designs and allow the user to initiate remote management and diagnostics via an embedded web server or M2M interface, enabling network managed site status and control simply by connecting the unit’s Ethernet port to a LAN. Using a web browser and the unit’s IP address (IPV4) allows ease of access with the benefit of multilevel security.
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Contact your local VMA field engineer today if you need help or have any additional questions.